24 Apr 2012


Contoh Pidato Tentang Pendidikan (Bahasa Inggris)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb  and  best wishes to us all
    First of all, I want to say thank to the  Almagthy God who has given us  a good health and a good chance so we join in this nice place.
    Secondly, I want to say thank to  The partisipant for giving me a chance to stand here, for diliver my speech about education.
My beloved Brothers and Sisters
  Education is the best progress tool to achieve the best kwality of life. By Education, we can get a knowladge. If  we have a good education, we will be eazy  to get a job.
Meanwhile, Education also can give ahead for human’s ability of thinking which makes us able to distribute our capabelity to give  and guide a teaching and learning to society who have a few knowladge. So they can prepare their life better.
Futher, Education can control our attitude, intelectual and our action.
   On the other hand, Education can make us strong people. If we are achieving  our life, we will not be disporeted  because we can be able to trifine our view of life.
My Beloved Brothers and sisters.
   We know education is very important for us.Education can make us to get a good skill which gives us capabelity to imajinate and develope our ideas  which is in our mine.
There are three education room, they are  :
A.    Educated family
B.    school education
C.    school education
 My Beloved Brothers and Sisters
Education is trying to realized to  recheck our capabelity which can bring us to get a life good.
 So, We are not desperate to  try and try to achieve our dreanm of future and we don’t be lazy studing and learning.
I’m sure, we will not be poor of knowladge, we maynot allow our selves become stupid people but,  w must have spirit, struggle, and always pray to God to ge education well. Althought we must go up and go down to get it. Because it is process.
Well, that’s all my speech. if I have mistake, forgive me pleace, because no one is infallible and no body is perfec in the world.
Thank for the your attention and wasalamualaikum wr. wb.

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